Tuesday, 21 August 2012

Veggie Focaccia

So who said it's too cold to go to the beach in winter...
Finn at the beach

This morning Summer (maybe it's her name that blew away the winter chills) said she wanted to go swimming at the beach.  So how could a surfing mum and dad say no.  With wetsuits adorned and little Finn rugged up in warm clothes we headed to our local beach for a fun splash and play in the sand. 
Summer and daddy  - so brave!

We had the beach to ourselves and while the rain and wind visited for a little while, it wasn't long before the sun shone.  The kids dug a hole on the sand and as it was low tide they had the perfect little splash pool.  It was rather balmy!

An hour later we dragged the kids home for a warm shower and a fresh focaccia for lunch.

As you will get to know, we rather like homemade bread in our house.  Fresh bread straight from the oven and our weekend favourite at the moment is focaccia.  We find the recipe from the Thermomix EDC works well with a variety of toppings.  Sometimes just rock salt and rosemary from the garden, otherwise a scatter of home cured olives works a treat.  It’s hard to resist fresh bread straight from the oven with butter, nut butter or even just on it’s own.  If we can wait we’ll fill with variety of veges such as roasted capsicum, eggplant, pumpkin, baby spinach and pesto and feta.  Sometimes veggie daddy will cook some homemade chips while the oven is on (sweet potato are my favourite) and we all agree this is better than going to a café for lunch.

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